Hello and welcome to my website!

My Research

I’m a third-year PhD Student at the University of Michigan, where I work with Dallas Card and David Jurges. My primary interests surround how to build and apply Natural Language Processing systems to better understand media, politics, and interpersonal communication. My recent work explores some of these questions in online news and Reddit. If you’d like to get in touch, you can email me at blitt@umich.edu !

I’m currently pursuing a number of research questions such as:

In the future, I’m interested in studying broader research domains such as:

Personal Background

Before starting my PhD, I completed my undergraduate degree at Iowa State University. During this time I worked with Robert Jernigan on problems in Computational Biology, with a focus on the identification of the function of proteins. I also spent time working with Shawn Dorius and Cassandra Dorius at the Public Science Collaborative studying substance-use and community health in Iowa. Finally, I spent time at Worcester Polytechnic Institute working on NLP applications for mental health, where I was advised by ML Tlachac and Elke Rundensteiner.


Here’s what I’ve been up to! For a full list, you can check out my Google Scholar